Military-Vehicles: [MV] M220 For Sale

[MV] M220 For Sale
12 SEP 97 13:57:24 EDT

Posted for friend not on-line:
1954 M220 (M211 w/ shop van body) 2 1/2 ton, gov't rebuilt engine, rebuilt
trans, everything in good shape, 8,000 miles on truck, fresh paint, much more
done, asking $4,850 Call Ted DellaCamera 203-756-9828 Oakville, CT, USA

I know this truck and Ted has put a LOT of work into it over the last few
years. He goes all over the region to shows and such and camps in the back of
it (really nice in bad weather). I believe he's looking to buy a house now
and the truck is just too big (he normally works alone on it) so he's decided
to sell. Ted's a heck of a nice guy and the truck is very nice too. I'll be
happy to go look at anything on the truck and take pictures if you don't want
to just take his word on it.

Naugatuck, CT, USA

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