Military-Vehicles: [MV] M151 Shovel Question...

[MV] M151 Shovel Question...

Scott Strance (
Mon, 22 Sep 97 14:14:45 UT

A friend (without web access) has the A2 model and ordered a shovel for the
pioneer tools kit. He swears it looks just like the one he had in his garage
that he painted OD for a show. For him, his question is this. "Does the
shovel for the A2 have a steep angle where the shovel head meets the wooden

As his sits now, when installed the shovel head points forward, handle to the
rear of the vehicle. The shovel head base (bottom of scoop part) faces the
outside. The shovel appears to be about 4" outboard of the general lines of
the fenders and side skirts. (This shovel could be 30 plus years old)

A a show this weekend, an A2 maint. mechanic indicated that the shovels had a
smaller angle on the head bringing the shovel head closer to the body. This
is when the question came up.

He ordered one from a supplier of A2 parts in California and swears it's the
same shovel he on there now.

Any help????

Thanks in advance....

'53 M38A1

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