Military-Vehicles: Re: [MV] Panzermuseum Munster NOT on the net

Re: [MV] Panzermuseum Munster NOT on the net
Tue, 28 Oct 1997 23:49:57 -0500 (EST)

<< The url referenced in Andreas' posting
( resulted in the
following message: Welcome to ClarkNet... the page you requested does not
exist on this server.>>

The correct URL for the Panzer Museum in Munster is:

Rob Kiser

* Warning: Unsolicited advice follows...Proceed at your own risk! *
Incidentally, if you ever have trouble accessing a site and you suspect
the URL may be incorrect try dropping off parts of the URL until you get
a hit. For instance, to find the correct URL, tried the following URL's in
the order listed:

At this point, I found the directory of all of the subdirectories under
and selected the folder titled PanzermuseumMunster and then selected the
file default.htm which brought up the Panzer Museum at Munster page and
displayed the correct URL.
**************** END OF UNSOLICITED ADVICE ********************************

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