[MV] Voltage Booster?

Douglas Greville (dgrev@apollo.ruralnet.net.au)
Wed, 05 Aug 1998 19:01:16 +0930


I have a 24V Intercom I need to use in a 12V armoured vehicle.

Is there a 12V to 24V booster available in the US off the shelf
say, 5 or 7 amp?
Or can someone provide me with a circuit on how to build one?

I did locate an Australian manufactured unit, but there has got
to be a cheaper alternative than $360 + 22% sales tax!


Armoured Vehicles Collector
_/_(_o_)_\_ ____
_/|___|_|___|\_ /____\
/ [___] [___] \ Douglas Greville _/[o]___\_
/\_ [o] [o] _/\ Broken Hill __/=_|____|_=\__
|w||___________||w| N.S.W. /__\__________/__\
|w|\u u/|w| Australia |w| \ / |w|
|w| \_________/ |w| |w|$ \______/ $|w|
[w] [w] [w] [w]
M8 Ferret


Web Armour site at: http://Fast.to/DG


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