Re[2]: [MV] Import of Military Vehicles

James Burrill (
28 Feb 1999 10:57:58 -0600

Hi Bob, and list.

While a law about food is off topic, the thread is still germain as it
relates to laws that affect our MV hobby. Basically, the current
administration promoting laws, or worse yet, "policies" that restrict
our possession or procurement of hardware that allows us some measure
of personal independace, and not depenadant on the Government to do it
for us.

You know and I know that there are so few MV hobbyests nationwide with
the wherwithal to own armour modern enough to go toe to toe with even
the National Guard. When someone imports a Marmon-Herrington armoured
car, or a White scout car or a Sherman tank, we know we aren't going
to form an army and start a civil war like some books or movies would
have it. (one weekend warrior with a LAWS would end your 50 grand

We aren't the problem!

I personally believe it is just a hold over from the '60 anti war
movement. That is to say, the draft card burners and the people who
spit on GIs are now your legislators, corperate CEOs and lawyers. They
formed their "world view" during their college years and take it as
natural that anything military is inherently "evil". So, if you spend
your own money to buy something military, you are suspect. And it
follows that their first words are" their is no reason you should own
a _________. (fill in tank, assult gun, bayonet, cammo clothing etc)

I do not suscribe to the danger coming from a "conspiricy", no "New
World Order", no NAFTA disarmament, no "3 old Jewish guys living in
Geneva who secretly own the world", no "Mason/Knights Templer
Conspiracy".......just a generation of politicos who hopped on an
anti-military bandwagon in their youth and never got off it.

Now about this 30 day food supply law. What state. What Title and Code
and was it just introduced or did it pass? and if Passed, when?

With the Y2k thing coming, I am sure papers such as Time and Newsweek
would love to do a story on the "government's"stupidity.

If someone can pin down the details of this "law", let me know... I'll
send the story in myself.


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