[MV] Admin: No off-topic postings about moronic celebs

MV List Admin (postmaster@skylee.com)
Fri, 30 Apr 99 00:33:00 -0700

Mil-veh list members:

I'm getting weary of repeating this: discussion on this list MUST
relate DIRECTLY to the private ownership of military vehicles.
There are other, far better places to discuss people-politics and

If you really are bursting to mention something off-topic, first
compose a helpful, relevant message about privately-owned military
vehicles; give it an eye-catching, appropriate Subject; and then
add a .sig of no more than four lines that mentions what you wish
you could discuss directly. That way you at least contribute to the
list and so advance the hobby in some way. If you need an example,
see below, but please, make your main message relevant to the list.

--Arthur Kyle, mil-veh list admin <ack@skylee.com>
Stop the undeclared war against Yugoslavia: www.stopthewarnow.com
Restrict FedGov to the Constitution: www.lp.org www.cato.org
"I'm no pacifist. Just strongly anti-interventionist."

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