[MV] M37 Starting problems, end of my rope!

Brent McClearen (brent@multipro.com)
Sat, 22 May 1999 21:50:58 -0500


I have tried everything anyone suggested. I've replaced every part in the
ignition system, almost. I had it running for a while and it just quit.
I assumed I had some plugged ports in the carb, so I completely rebuilt it.

New plugs, coil, condenser, filter, rotor button, rotor cap, new wires, new
points, new fuel filter, new gas, etc.
I checked all the coil feed wires and every wire around to look for a short.
I rechecked breaker point gap.
I got fire to all the plugs.
Rebuilt the carb.
I got fuel all the way into the engine.
Its not flooded.
I rotated the distributer back and forth while cranking.
Could the distributer jump time?
I f I reset the time with top-dead-center, is there a preferred cylinder to
use, or just use No. 1?
Any ideas would be appreciated.

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