RE: [MV] Elderly M37s

Norona, Mike (
Tue, 24 Aug 1999 15:18:22 -0400

Wow, Andy!
That is indeed unusual to be exactly 1000 off! Mine had 30,000-some odd
miles when I got it in '72, missing _LOTS_ of parts, leaking, etc, etc.
Let's see, does yours have an electrical connector (single-wire) socket
mounted on the dash left of the map box, and do you know what it's for? Does
yours have/had the square Delco-Remy regulator, or the rounded Autolite (I
think I've got 'em named right)? I'll bet there's no hood handle. Have you
ever seen one with two fuel filters in the engine compartment? I've never
seen one mounted above the pump, as in some pictures. Is your priming system
still there? Did yours say "max fuel accept 32 GPM" near the fuel filler?
Does your pintle hook swivel? Does your box have provision for the "flip
seat"? What other things am I missing for those early models? List,
- mazo mike

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