[MV] Mt Rainier Ordnance Depot ?

Gordon.W.I. McMillan (gwim2@student.open.ac.uk)
Fri, 24 Sep 1999 18:45:23 +0100

A question for the US-based list members.

I was repairing the back of my VC 3 hard cab Dodge pickup today, when I
noticed a rebuild plate on the back axle. It was a proper Ordnance
rebuild plate with the ordnance insignia on it, and it was marked

Rebuilt by
Mt Rainier Ordnance Depot


202 (the VC 3 is a T202 engineering code)

Inspector no 6

6 22 43

Now most of that is self-explanatory, and I know that the deport rebuild
of the axle could have taken place hundred (thousands ?) of miles from
where the truck was in use, but can any of the list members tell me where
the Mt Rainier Ordnance Depot is (was ?) I have the chassis and cab
serials from the truck but no USA number (apart from the range) so any
info appreciated. I would particularly like to hear from anyone who had
an original truck that could let me have the engine, chassis, cab and USA


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