towing CUCV/M-886

From: Mark Baxter (
Date: Thu Jan 06 2000 - 23:56:16 PST

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  I flat towed a 76 Dodge M-886 Ambulance from Kansas City MO to Raton NM a
distance of close to 650 Miles and did not have a problem. I towed it with a
U-Haul bumper hitch that I mounted to the front bumper of the 886 and to the
frame hitch of my 90 Dodge 3/4 ton, 4x4 pick-up.
 The drive shafts were removed and this should be done for long trips
anyway. Be sure the tow vehicle is heavier then the truck being towed and if
it has locking steering UNHOOK your battery and unlock you steering wheel.
 I did not have any problems on this trip and I went through some hilly
country. Just check you hitch every so often and when you fill up your gas
tank and you should not have any problems. Just make sure to hook up some
tail lights and turn signals and I put a sign on the back of the 886 that
said " slow in tow" and did not have any problems. Good luck towing your
1008. Mark

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