Re: [MV] Looking for a CCKW

From: Jeanne Lacourse (
Date: Sat Jan 13 2001 - 18:24:41 PST

Where do I begin:

If the truck is not driveable (most won't stop when you buy them), it may be
time to reconsider. The tires are $135 each BTW.

I have 6 cckw's and two of them (bought from the same guy) ran beautifully.
One had no motor, one had a water cracked motor, and one had a motor so
terribly frozen it would never move again. Number 6 which I am cutting up
for parts has a motor that appeard to burn oil badly judging from the plugs.

They will lose their brakes if they sit for too long, read thaat as a couple
of years.

I have paid from between $250 to $1500 for each of them. They all needed to
be stripped, rebuilt to various degrees, have missing parts replaced and

A rule of thumb; if it looks beat, it probably is and you should avoid it.

With deuces, look at the rear tires on the truck, especially a cckw. If they
are not matched, there has been a strain on the xfer, drive shafts and
differentials. Remember, US deuces have the dual rear ends in 4WD ALL the
time. Running uneven tires is VERY bad!

If it needs differentials, you may want to avoid it. There is no reason
short of running out of gear oil that one should fail except from abuse. The
truck I am cutting up had a dump body on it suitable for a Mack!. When it
was backed into place after being transported here, the front rear
differential shaft started oscillating. The pinion bearings had shattered!.
After disconnecting the shaft, I could pull the pinion out w/o removing the
bearing cap! The pinion looked like it had been beaten with a ball peen

I know some dealers ask up to $9000 for an unrestored European truck. I
personally would not pay that much for one. They still need to be stripped

My favorite (and 1st one) I drove home and have put 30,000 miles on it. It
cost $525

Steve AKA Dr Deuce

----- Original Message -----
From: Drew Ballard <>
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List <>
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2001 5:26 PM
Subject: [MV] Looking for a CCKW

> Hello all;
> I'm in the market for a CCKW, but I do not know how to judge value.
> A while ago on G503 Ren Bernier put out a great list for guys who find old
> tired jeeps: if it has combat rims add X, if it has all the seat frames
> Y, if the engine runs at all add Z. Can anyone tell me anything like this
> for the CCKW?
> What pieces/parts add (or subtract) to the value of one just by being
> there (or not). I know tires run upwards off $200, so if I find one in
> of 10 tires I know that knocks ~$2000 off right there.
> What things go bad and should be checked on one that's been sitting
> outside for a while?
> If the guy can't tell me what shape the differentials/engine is in, what
> does it cost to rebuild (ballpark)?
> Thank you very much for any and all assistance.
> Drew Ballard
> '43 GPW
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