Re: [MV] Military Vehicle Magazine

Date: Sat Mar 03 2001 - 19:33:58 PST

Well, as to the ad content, that's the main reason I subscribe to MVM.
I really depend on the advertisers for my parts sources and I've found
that responses to my ads run about neck-and-neck, or somewhat better,
than some of my other means of advertising.
Many of the articles are very interesting and educational, while some
are "See Spot run." Nobody can please everybody all the time, so Dave
and Betsy can only do what they can do. They certainly have their hearts
in it.
The new owners might well get the mag on shelves in stores. Good and
bad. Might bring more people into our hobby (good), might then drive up
the prices of mil-vehicles (good if you're selling, bad if you're buying) and
the result of more people in the hobby will create more demand for vehicles
and parts (again, good if you're selling, bad if you're buying). Maybe more
new members into the MVPA (good).
MV Trucker

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