53 Studabaker

From: Rikk Rogers (rkltd@swbell.net)
Date: Thu Apr 12 2001 - 12:12:59 PDT

I just found a 53 Stude working on a farm, has a feeder bed and may be
available shortly.
According to the current owner it is fairly sound mechanically, needs some
brake work.
He was taking it to a sale next week but is willing to remove the feeder bed
and sell for restoration.
His reason for selling is general reliability (time on site for parts
replacement & general ware -if it goes down he has to have it back on-line
NOW, 300=cows can't wait).

1, Bare truck (no bed) what is the value range (high/low)
2. Is anyone interested (north central Oklahoma).

Rikk Rogers - RK Lion LTD.
416 S 4th St
Ponca City OK. 74601-5335
(580)762-3157 rkltd@swbell.net
-M35A2- MVPA -22345-

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