M37 HELP!! Bucking bronco!

From: Jeffrey cerniglia (jcerniglia@msn.com)
Date: Tue Jul 03 2001 - 11:36:59 PDT

Hello all,
             I just recently purchased a 1954 M37 from
a private owner this past weekend. While trying to drive
it I ran into a problem, when I reach say 35-40 MPH
the truck starts to buck violently as if I was stabbing the gas pedal off
and on. I pulled over and
put it in neutral and it was idling fine, started off
again and it did the same, but this time died and would
not start again. Is this the fuel pump?? I hear M37's
are notorious for fuel pump failures. I was able to get
it running again after getting it home and runs fine in
the driveway, I have not tried to drive it again yet.
What kind of fuel pressure should I be getting? I was thinking that at
higher speeds the carb was being starved
due to low fuel pressure.

Jeff Cerniglia
1954 M37
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