Re: [MV] Dont lose our right to drive my jeep on Public or Private land

From: GR Goebel (
Date: Thu Jul 05 2001 - 07:50:40 PDT

You are (unfortunatly) 100 percent right....


----- Original Message -----
From: "jonathon" <>
To: "GR Goebel" <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: [MV] Dont lose our right to drive my jeep on Public or Private

> >This is some of the crap that we gun owners,RKBA,
> >hunters and fisherman have been putting up for YEARS.
> >
> >Welcome to the club. I do feel your pain.
> We are being attacked from all fronts. And we are slowly loosing on all
> fronts. It's entropy, it can't be stopped, at least as the current system
> exists.
> I think I'll take up quilting, oh no, those needles could be dangerious
> weapons, and heaven forbid if I painted one green or worse yet if I
> shortened one, that would be an assault needle, hmmm, guess I better just
> buy a big TV and a new recliner and figure out how to enjoy watching ball
> games and drinking beer!
> later,
> je

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