Re: [MV] Bumper #s...illegal???

Date: Thu Jul 05 2001 - 21:07:35 PDT

>You must not have had any dealing with the police It's tough on YOU when
>they can't take a joke. :-)) Wayne
Me, a biker and vanner never dealt with the police? Ha, does being detained
for four hours, body searched (including my wife, by a male state trooper,
under her dress and into her bra), searching my van and destroying contents,
count? Yeah, they pulled their guns on me. In fact, I've had law enforcement
personnel draw their guns on me many times. No, I'm not a threat. In one
instance it was over a pack of Chinese fire crackers. Another was Bonneville
Salt Flats salt crumbs on the counter of my van. They thought it was crank and
out came the guns. Upon being stopped while on my scoot, I asked the officer
why he was hassling me. His words were: "Black leathers while on a black
Harley, that's why." I responded by asking if he ever went down in a T-shirt.
put his hand on his gun...
Joe Young

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