Re: [MV] Patrol Boat PBR

From: Dennis O'Connor (
Date: Fri Aug 31 2001 - 19:12:36 PDT

PBR! We want one too!!! But to put on the lake and have fun with my sister
and her diving buddies, the fishermen, and just generally get them all
twisted in a knot and then disappear. If I win the lottery one of these is
high in the priority list! If one comes up affordable enough I won't even
wait for the lottery either. Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Darrell Shake <>
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List <>
Date: Friday, August 31, 2001 10:14 AM
Subject: [MV] Patrol Boat PBR

>Dear list. Now that MAAAAAADDDDDD MMMAAAAXXXXXXX is done burning up
>every ones time with his foul mouthed rantings I have a serious
>question. One of our guys thinks hes interested in a PBR ( hope thats
>right ). Seems that I remember some of these being available on the list
>a few years back but didnt pay alot of attention at that time . I had
>talked with Skip at Fred Robkeys and at the time I seem to remember him
>telling me that the boats were a wash out on a financial basis mainly
>because of the cost of the outdrives and power plants. Now Ive already
>admitted Im boat stupid so what Im really trying to gather is some
>information from a boat smart member on the list and primarily some one
>who has real time experience either in service or in the private
>sector.Are these a cost effective toy or should my freind look for a
>comercial rig and call it a day. Sounds neat to me all decked out in
>original configuratuion on the ohio in the Louisville area.Any info
>would be greatly apreciated. Many thanks in advance , Darrell.
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