Re: [MV] Mulit-grade oil for M35

From: Steve & Jeanne Keith (
Date: Fri May 09 2003 - 05:03:53 PDT

I have a fellow collector (with M109 van) who swears by Rotella

Steve AKA Dr Deuce

----- Original Message -----
From: "" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2003 1:43 AM
Subject: Re: [MV] Mulit-grade oil for M35

> I just had a conversation with an offroad engine
> builder. He was telling me that Ford has discovered
> multigrade oils tend to foam under high stress in
> their new diesel engines and has caused some problems.
> Heard they have some new direct injection system that
> developes tremendous pressure... anyway the builder
> suggested Shell Rotella 30 wt. for military engines or
> any good grade 30 wt. for it's lubrication properties.
> He was pretty happy with Rotella used in farm engines
> that saw really heavy service. So for what it's
> worth, just passing this along.
> I used 30 wt. in my Rolls Royce B-60 engine and that
> was demanded by the factory.. no exceptions! Some very
> knowlegable people here run 15-40 and have had good
> results... so who knows, maybe it's not that important
> on the underpowered deuce engine?
> Next, on batteries for the M35 series, the military is
> using the new 6TMF battery, which is supposed to be
> improved. I think the MF means maintenance free,
> anyone know? I bought 6TL's, couldn't find anything
> else ($85 ea). Some 6Tl's ran as high as $165!
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