RE: [MV] {MV} Brake Line Q

From: Glen Bedel (
Date: Mon Jun 09 2003 - 12:35:13 PDT

When bending tubing the smallest radius should equal the diameter I believe.
You can also use a tightly coiled spring on the tubing to help keep the
diameter constant.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul A. Thomas []
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 3:32 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: [MV] {MV} Brake Line Q

I am making a small bypass for my dead Mico Lock on the deuce this
week. Tis 1/2 inch steel tubing. I have a brake bending tool from Snap On
which put a nice 90 degree bend in the line, however the diameter has
flattened somewhat. Instead of a perfect circle at the bend the diameter
has roughly halved, with the width doubling it's original size. Should I be
concerned about this or is it normal for a brake line once
molded? The bending tool has three slots for different size tubing, and I
don't believe any form of sleeve would fit in it with the brake line there
also, but am unsure.

Many Thanks for your time.

        MVPA #24986
        '53 REO M35 Fire Conversion
        '53 AEC Chevy 3/4 Ton

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