Re: [MV] SA-18 GAM

From: Fred H. Schlesinger (
Date: Thu Aug 14 2003 - 05:55:27 PDT

He has a big mouth, no balls. Wasn't going to shoot anybody, just make money
selling military hardware.
Look, this guy is going to talk, make a deal, and he'll end up living in Arizona
in a house next to Sammy the Bull's. And driving a Chrysler.
My condolences to Arizona and mopar fans.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Grammont" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 2:50 AM
Subject: Re: [MV] SA-18 GAM

| >Denegration to dehumanize. Might I point out that there are lots of
| >"RAG HEADS" that are loyal and productive members of our society and
| >nation? Or don't you recall the lessons of WWII and the Yellow Peril?
| Probably doesn't know what you are talking about, but nice try ;-)
| And if one looks at history empirically, the US and Europe has done FAR
| more harm to Muslims than they have ever done to us. Why do you think
| the region, as a whole, traditionally distrusts and even hates Westerners
| so much? Because we have always been jolly good buddies with them?
| Terrorism is not to be condoned, excused, or tolerated. But to confuse
| extremists with the average Habib on the Arab street... that is just as
| bad. That's the sort of wonderfully ill informed and inaccurate attitude
| that gets us into trouble, not out of it.
| Calling American's "bastards" is certainly not specific to Muslims or
| Middle Easterners. Large chunks of Europe, both Americas, Aisa,
| Australia/NZ, and Africa also think Americans are "bastards" too. Heck,
| I bet there are even some in Antarctica that think Americans are
| "bastards" too :-)
| Steve
| P.S. The three individuals in question... they were in it for the money
| and bragging rights, not political motivations. Anything else, if
| anything, was a bonus in their eyes. They'd just as soon sell weapons to
| illegal Israeli settlers if the price was right. Probably even call the
| Arabs "bastards" too. I'd put a large wager on it.
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