6TL batteries at Aberdeen

From: GOTaM35 (GOTaM35@joetrapp.com)
Date: Mon May 03 2004 - 20:04:39 PDT

I picked up a bunch of batteries today. If you want a cheap 6TL look me up
in space J-11 in the purple. About a 1/3 are already spoken for. These are
"blemish" or "seconds". $60 each. If you have a core I will give you $5
for it.

While I'm peddling stuff, I will bring all the deuce dual snow chains I have
left. $75 per set, that's $150 for one axle.
I also have some hummer bumper stuff, tops and bows.
M35 troop seats.

I will be in my area sporadically. I'm here for the fun, not to sell stuff.
I just like to buy more than I need.

Joe Trapp

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