Re: [MV] 4th of July...+ 2 cents on Canibals

From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Thu Jul 01 2004 - 12:29:48 PDT

At 12:13 PM -0700 7/1/04, paul carrier wrote:
>Most commands hold the go to war NBC suits and atropine
>at theater depot level. Same with filters for masks.
>And the stocks held were much less than what should have
>been considering SOP's and the "book" rate of replacement.

A book that was essentially a postmortem of the Gulf War NBC snafu
talked about all this in great detail. There were many units that
didn't have enough masks and filters due to some combination of use
of the funds for other purposes.

Some of it was downright scary. One incident involved an NBC training
officer going over AutoInjector use with a Staff officer that walked
into the training. Problem was the practice unit the Officer handed
over to the NBC officer for a demonstration wasn't a practice unit.
He'd pulled out a real one...the NBC training officer managed to
demonstrate the use of the Auto-injector for a crowd of Staff in
orbit around this general and the rest of the folks
present...needless to say, he went to lay down after the surprise....

>Ammo is under a different fund cite. And most years we don't
>get what the TRADOC STRAC manual says we should get for training.
>In the last year my BN had to postpone IWQ to give our allotment
>for that quarter to a unit that deployed.

Clearly you chaps weren't going according to the supply system and
you should have held on to your ammo per the rules right? ;-)

>CAMS are still in short supply, the facility on post is the DOD
>rebuild site for DOD. They are running 2 shifts and could run a third
>if there were CAMS to rebuild at that rate.

The use of the CAMs with the triggers turned on was a big problem CAM
batteries were used constantly rather than for spot checks.

>8 hours of exposure to a known chemical agent.
>And they do degrade after opening. But they

Yep, used to be you open the saratoga suit and discard the suit in 7
days if it hadn't been exposed to NBC agents.

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