Re: [MV] Green color for USMC vehicles

From: Colin M Rush (
Date: Sat Aug 07 2004 - 13:21:54 PDT

        Thank you for the help, but I guess I need a little help here
understanding. Semi-Gloss, Full-Gloss, or Lusterless Forest Green and
Lusterless Olive Drab, are those a particular color that any paint
manufacturer will know, or is there a code that I need to identify those?
        Also, having not been anything more than a midshipman, I am not
familiar with a lot of the military acronyms, especially if they had to
do with the Army or Marine Corp. What do 'QMC' and 'ORD' mean?
-Colin Rush

Message-Id: <>
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 2004 23:59:38 -0400
From: Jim Gilmore <>
Subject: Re: [MV] Green color for USMC vehicles
Colin wrote:
>"...As long as you are on the subject (sort of), can anyone tell me what
>color was used on Marine Corp vehicles during WWII? ........"
      Color used by USMC was;
Vehicles delivered on direct contract for USMC were painted Lusterless
Forest Green.
  Vehicles diverted from QMC or ORD contracts were delivered in
Lusterless Olive Drab (US Army color).
>Darrell wrote,
>".......A while back I had ask what was the proper green for USMC
>......I also found out that the "USMC Lackluster Forest Green" on the
>web site was used on vehicle from the Korean war to the end of the
>Vietnam war..........."
  USMC vehicles post WW II until after the Vietnam War were painted
Semi-gloss Forest Green and not lusterless (flat).
  Non tactical vehicles (staff cars etc. ) were painted full gloss Forest
Jim Gilmore

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