Navy TM? Landing light trailer

From: Michael Howell (
Date: Mon Sep 26 2005 - 13:07:12 PDT

I am still looking for the TM for my new trailer. It is a portable
shorebased fresnel lens optical landing system, Mk8 Mod0. Ch 11 of the
following TM has a brief discussion about operation and a pic of a Mk8
Mod1 which looks a lot like mine.

I am looking for NAVAIR 51-40ABA-10 and NAVAIR 51-40ABA-14. Does anyone
know a public site to download navy TMs? MILDOCS and LOGSA doesn't
seem to have them. In fact they seem to have only Navy manuals that
are also army manuals. A search for NAVAIR only gave 54 matches.

I plan to upload some pics of it soon. I will post a link later.

Tishomingo, Mississippi

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