Re: [MV] Star in WWII..BRIT/US

Geoff Winnington-Ball (
Wed, 08 Jul 1998 19:39:48 -0400

To all,

The bit about the stars is NOT lore, it's fact. I can't speak too much for
Brit formations, but all through Canadian formations, the five-pointed star
was routinely painted on askew. Such a representation on restored vehicles is
entirely accurate, indeed, expected. I have several photos of same, both old
and new, which will be on a website I'm developing to cover that period and
genre. I will, of course, pass the URL to the list the moment there's enough
online to 'go public'.


James Burrill wrote:

> This thread brings up a question...
> Since the star was applied to all allied vehicles as an aerial ID to
> aircraft,I had heard the Brits were a bit miffed that an obvious US
> insignia was being forced on them. To "get their own", they
> intentionally put the star on with the star askew.
> I don't mean to get flames going over this, I am an American that
> collects Brit military. I was wondering if anyone had info to support
> this bit of military folk lore.

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