Re: [MV] NuclearAttack Medical Treatment

From: Floyd Petri (
Date: Wed Feb 19 2003 - 13:58:23 PST

Before I retired I moonlighted as a NBC Consultant. Dr. Mike here is what I
have to say about it all this.

1. In regards to Potassium Iodine it is better to have it and not need it
than to need it and not have it. It is the cheapest insurance that you can
have and it works for terrorist dirty bombs, nuclear accidents and WW III.
As a Doctor I don't have to tell you this. This is really for the others on
the list to find fault with and they will. I am smart enough to know that it
is not "if", but "when" all this will happen and it eventually will. I have
had my Potassium Iodine pills for ten years now and I feel very confortable
with having them and not needing them so far.

2. In regards to the Duct Tape and plastic again it is better to have it and
not need it than to need it and not have it. Again as a Doctor you know the
advantage of having the husband go boil water. The biggest problem with this
is the lack of information by the Government or media. Sealing up too soon
will make you run out of breathable air. Sealing up too late will not help
at all. Sealing up at the right time gives you the one chance in a hundred
to save your ass when you have a government that no longer cares about Civil
Defense. If I had to give the order to release the information to buy Duct
Tape and Plastic myself here is what I would have said: Buy your Duct Tape
and Plastic as a precautionary measure. Have it, but wait for proper
notification to use it. If you are scared and want to use it now then by all
means do the windows, but not the doors. You do not want to cut off your
supply of oxygen until the time comes. It will not hurt to do just the
windows. In fact it should help lower your heating cost in the Winter time.

3. In regards to stock pileing antibiotics. Be sure to buy only the correct
ones. The ones mentioned so far are some of the right ones. You really have
three choices here. First you buy now while you can get them. Two to wait
until you need them and there are none and three to wait for the government
to give them to you when something happens. Yea right. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. I
needed a good laugh. The real problem with number three is that after you
show the first symptoms it is too late. Even the hospitals and doctors will
not waste antibiotics on a dead person, but you know this all this Dr. Mike
because you are a Doctor. Only propolatics will work and you know this too.
Again this is for the list to find fault with and they will.

So Dr. Mike thanks for sharing your information. I appreciate that little
piece of information. I am sure there are other that do also. To the ones
that don't and don't like mine either just use your delete key.


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