Re: [MV] MILDOCS.COM -- Deep Keyword Search Site for Electronic TMs...

From: Jim Newton (
Date: Sat May 10 2003 - 22:46:10 PDT

Hi Michael...

Usually it is pretty easy to do a search for a TM by its number on
MILDOCS.COM. However, sometimes you might get the most relevant match
being a different TM that has more mentions of the TM number in it.

Also, some of the ETMs have the referred-to TM titles spaced out, such
as "tm 9-6140-200-14". We can't figure out why the Army did this.
There is no way for us to really fix these except manually. So if you
used our upcoming TM Title search feature to search for "tm
9-6140-200-14", it would search for all of the following strings:

  tm 9-6140-200-14
  tm 9 6140 200 14
  t m 9 - 6 1 4 0 - 2 0 0 - 1 4
  ...and several other iterations.

The 108 hits you mention that MILDOCS.COM returns for a search of "tm
9-6140-200-14" are all various TMs, TBs, SBs, MWOs, etc., that MENTION
the title of the TM in them somewhere. Such a search can be useful
for identifying ETMs that may relate to your equipment for which you
know the number of the one ETM.


>searching for tm 9-6140-200-14 yields 108 hits with the correct one
>being first.
>A search for tm 9-247 , which is the one I was searching for before I
>wrote the last post, gives 34 hits but none of them are correct.
>If the search will always list the TM you search for first then there is
>no need to go through all of the pages looking for it.
>.Jim Newton wrote:
>>Hi Mike...
>>>I must say that I like the full text searches a lot. I found an item I
>>>was interested in on GL and did a search for the NSN and got 1 hit for
>>>the TM that showed what it fit. Great!
>>I'm really glad you like it. You're really going to like the new
>>Extended NSN Search. It is even better than the method you used.
>>Shoot me the NSN you searched for and I'll show you the amazing output
>>from the Extended NSN Search.
>>>Is there any way to find a TM if you know the TM number? If there is, I
>>>missed it.
>>You should be able to just enter the TM title such as:
>> TM 5-3431-227-24P
>>We will be adding a title search that is a little more easy and
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Jim "Ike" Newton

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