Re: [MV] Why we are probably the last generation to collect and preserve Historic Military Vehicles

From: J. Forster (
Date: Fri Aug 05 2005 - 10:01:04 PDT

Ron wrote:

> My nephew is a "BIG" wheel at Microsoft. Mid 30s, mega smart, hangs with
> Mr. Bill. He was out visiting last summer with his brood, went into shock
> anytime he was not connected for periods longer than 2 hours. Had
> considerable trouble understanding why I spent so much time and money
> playing with my collection, versus doing something constructive, like
> learning machine language or typing messages in HEX decimal format since it
> is more 'precise'. [snip]

Next time he shows up, ask him what kind of communications system he could
construct using fewer than 15 active elements per set. The answer is likely
none. Microsoft needs a billion or more transistors to even say 'hello'.
Virtually any WW II radio used fewer than 15 active elements (tubes).

That was GOOD engineering, not brute force.


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