Re: [MV] Late comments on WTC attacks

From: Mel Miller (
Date: Wed Sep 12 2001 - 01:15:55 PDT wrote:
 I offer the following:
> What do we have here in the US that makes us the targets of things like these attacks?
> I believe it is our unbridled freedom to travel unhindered, without question in most cases, to own and accumulate property, to raise our children in the fashion and religion of our own choosing, to question our elected officials and criticize our government without fear of reprisal, again in most cases, and the open opportunity to aspire to anything we wish........

BALLS! This is not a Flame, Cougar, but terrorists like Osama Ben Laden
do not care what we do, say, or think half way around the world from
their miserable, dusty, fleabitten, impoverished piece of dirt. While we
value all those wonderful (and they really are wonderful) freedoms to
engage in life, liberty, and the pursuit of hapiness, what motivates
these terrorists is the fact that the USA is the largest, strongest
supporter of Israel, whom they are sworn to destroy! Its just that
simple. We support the nation of the people who moved into land which
they had owned for centuries. They, on the other hand, have lost their
Soviet backers and they feel powerless. Therefore they wrap themselves
in the cloak of religious fanaticism and, believing in the promise of a
heaven filled with virgins and sweetmeats, happily join their little
team and engage in Islam's version of the Kamakazi.

I just hope that the armed forces get the opportunity, real soon, to
help large numbers of Mr. Ben Ladens merry band on their way to heaven.
Only then would I heartily chime in on their favourite mantra - Allah
Akbar - God is Great!

Just My Two Cents
Mel Miller
2 X M725

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